This third installment of the Helping Hands series by legendary gay film director William Higgins features five young straight guys who have never experienced any sexual activitiy with anoth
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Helping Hands Vol. 3

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Helping Hands Vol. 3


This third installment of the Helping Hands series by legendary gay film director William Higgins features five young straight guys who have never experienced any sexual activitiy with another guy.

Thinking they've been hired to do a quick solo jack off video, they strip down and get comfortable on the bed. No big deal, right? All straight dudes beat off, don't they? But when they hit the mattress a surprise awaits.

"The Hands" manipulate bodybuilder Otto, a study 19-year-old, to a shuddering climax. Cute Stanley gets popped by an anal probe for the very first time. Cherubic Matej is on the receiving end of a sizzling blow job.

These are guys who like girls, but when none are around the hand will do. But not just any hand. The Helping Hands.

Product Information And Features:
Item # 21024
Year Released: 2005
Director: William Higgins
Rating: Not yet rated.
In accordance with US Code 2257, all models appearing in products displayed on this website were over the Age of 18 at the time of photography. Records supporting this are kept with the individual producers of Each product herein at the offices of record for same. Any references to the word "teen", "boy", or any other Term that may refer to a youthful appearance of any models in the products sold in this website, are used as marketing terms only and make no reference to any usage of any model that is not at least 18 years Of age.

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In accordance with US Code 2257, all models appearing in products displayed on this website were over the Age of 18 at the time of photography. Records supporting this are kept with the individual producers of Each product herein at the offices of record for same. Any references to the word "teen", "boy", or any other Term that may refer to a youthful appearance of any models in the products sold in this website, are used as marketing terms only and make no reference to any usage of any model that is not at least 18 years Of age.